had racial harmony day today.
very fun.
especially the dikir barat, the percussion-nist and dance.
all this was done by MLDDS.
and, the arab dance too.
cool humans.
great humans.
sporting humans.
wear all red, and its like, most of them were in red.
a slacking day as its racial harmony day.
not much studies.
but fcuk, such thing as racial riots do happen during school time.
you all are stupid.
kentalans bodoh.
fcuker scuker.
there is many new kind people now.
i realised it today.
daliana, syed, syahirah, fifi, nini, firhan, sheila, eera and some newbies i met whom were
ee-kin, peh-ah and man and some others.
so kind of you guys.
thanks for those treat and everything.
good peoples is better unlike those sombong-ers
and plain fcukers.
i don't need you shittacks.
its mr luo last day.
and its sad.
he cried as we sing him loud songs.
touching ahh.
3n7 rocks you people life rite?
great great.
besok mendak-i.
besok nak buat art laa.
monday due date for prep work and final piece.
wthell la.
pictures below.
i will keep updating.
till here, okay go!

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