yesterday, went out to meet xeryl and kel at hougang mall delifrance.
at first plan to study with xeryl at macdonald and joined by kelly only at 5.00 p.m,
but lastly, we changed plan.
after delifrance, we are off to the library to get our stuffs and also buy things for the projects.
after that, 325-ed to hougang green.
we sat in the macdonald for hours.
joined by fatina and yulin too.
and we half completed our project already.
and thats a yay for us!
and a very big thanks to xeryl for teaching me physics.
you are great and so smart.
i know im slow.
but, u still try hard to put those physics shit in my brain!
hahahahaa. thanks so much!
after that, they went to kelly house while i meet zaini, helmi, shameer and another
three girls.
played 3 matches of soccer altogether at dewan tong sampah.
and it was damn tiring.
after that slack slack around and went home at 10.00 p.m.

you tought i dont know??

you pin this up at my hp wallpaper.
till now, i forget to change. hahaha.
evil xerylic-sasa!

hair short.
what suck about yesterday is, i dont get to watch Mega Perdana Final 2006.
till now, i still dont know which team is first.
should be Keris followed by Neng Nyno and MakYong Kedek.
hope so laa.
okay go!
and yeah, yesterday also be the day i stop laying my imagination about it.
day by day, it become worse.
imagination makes my mind go wild.
trying very hard to forget it bit by bit.
but memories are still running in my mind.
therefore, escaping is just the best solution for this.
hoping there is a new plus different and also same in some way.
yeahh. this cant go on.
it must be ended.
this is not emo-ing, this is just what i wanna express.
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