yestersday rehearsal was so fcuk-ed up.
its was suppose to be rehearsal but the rehearsal only start at 2000 hrs.
long hours of waiting and we only stand outside to see our last postions.
might as well put a dummy rite.
all they worried for is the lighting and sounds.
but aniway, mldds teachers and peoples except some of them were loving.
great day, hot gossips, interesting news.
reach home around 2330 hrs.
going to esplanade by the bay again today.
last day of fireworks.
meeting the rest at compass point and its mostly mldds peeps at 1730 hrs.
then, meet the other three big groups at merlion there.
ouh, its gonna be great.
irritating her.
aku doakan terburuk bagimu.
last 18.
okay go!

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