its a long time since i update my blog. due to my stm, i've forgotten what i did on last few days. so today, i wont really blog as the way i use to by writing shits and love that happen on my everyday life.
school is going to be open in FOUR days time. and im so geared up for school. one thing that i will really miss is those person that im with during my recess time and in-between of remediales. ashila, daliana, firdaus, ashraff, nazeera. but as for firdaus case, we often meet la for leypak session but as for the rest we seldom see each other.
we laugh out loud and listen to each others problem till the end of recess. challenge who will finish eating as the last one will help to clear the plates away. small fight that will occur every week and some mengumpats. sometimes, it was only daliana and me, shila and me and eera and me eating together as the others was absent. we sat at you people class coriddors and talk talk talk and go to our usual place after school together. when i look around, i was like the only one mixing with the big seniors and its great.
and now, i really swear that i will miss those times with you great peoples sia. during my secondary three life, it will be effing bored if you people was absent for school. but next year, i wont know what will it be like without you people. im scared that when i passby the table where we all use to sit together, memories will cameby. so yeahh, you guys are not part of sengkang sec kids animore, so yeah, good luck out there!
this year holiday was the most memorable one for me. yeahh, lifes wonderful with "the schoolmates", "the mates", "lagun sari part-timers" and "tepak sireh part timers".
"the schoolmates".
went out with them like twice a week and its damn great. we went shopping, watch movies and went almost the whole singapore. a day with them will be a day with non-stop laughter and bright flash coming out from huda or my camera. even a day when we are all plan-less, it will really turn out to be happening by the end of a day. ainy said, when school re-opens, there will be no more "the schoolmates" as they will be back with thier own clan. so yeahh, its great and fun with you guys. terima kasih!
"the mates".
there's firdaus, shameer, helmi, zaini, wan and harun. fun and funny people la. meet them everyday especially zaini. this holiday its was damn great taunt-ning with them and slacking till late. sharing different stories and stupid tales. play soccer and others but its mostly slacking session. eating at khalifa at night and go shopping. and theres ida too! shes fun and kind and yeahh, had an hilarious laughter. its greaattt!
"lagun sari part-timers".
theres shameer, harun, zaini, ann, lynn, syaza, had, ayu and our manager sherman. twice a week there will be work with lagun sari and most of us will be there working together and having fun. ann was like my second mother as she will call me everyday for a short talk and even call just for the sake of asking where am i and asked to take care. we was like one big family leypak-ing at starbucks and jalan kayu. best best!
"tepak sireh part-timers"
the crew insist of abang rashid, kak nnn, marni, oleh, reza, shakeer, tuti, acap, ainy, ain, hudaa. its great working with you people even theres those kanchongs. and, you guys happening shit ahh.
this is the most happening holiday in my life eventough im not out for overseas. love you guys ahh! bukan gay ehh! hahahahaa. and the best part is, i get to meet new friends and nice people like those mention above. well yeahh, till here. take care!
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