after staying at home for
erin ask me out around evening.
or should i say, we ask each other out together.
yeah, we know each other from myspace and ta-da, we are friends!
thanks to myspace.com.
so, she gave me her number by msn and off i go to my room and get change!
reach orchard around 7.15 pm and yeah, waited for her for 5 minutes.
saw shafiq and fairuz and therefore talk with them for a while.
ouh, i MISS dikir barat.
but, im scared to go down to cc and have training with them as ive been missing for
okay, back to erin.
its great, erin's nice.
went towning and searching high and
and then sent her to chua chu kang as she need to accompany her grandma.
then, i drop at woodlands and took 161 home.
waited for zaini for half an hour till 11.15 pm.
fcuk la zaini!
and yeah, great day! TODAY
called dad and ask him wheter i can taunt today.
and yeah, he approve it!
but, i havent tell mother.
usually, i tell mother first
haiya, confuse ah!
today taunt session is with my MATES.
maybe all the seven of us that u people saw in our video.
hahahha, okay crap!
and yeah, i'll be home tomorow morning i guess.
so, i'll just blog about it tomorow!
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