after maghrib, met up with shameer under zaini's blok as zaini's LATE.
zaini came with his
we then proceed to simpang haugang to have our so called dinner that we hope it can fill our stomach for the
leypak at helmi's crib for a while and at the same moment, we played ps2.
yeah, we are still young in our heart.
firdaus arrived around
saw this girl with the santa claus so called cap?
ouh hahahaa, of coz her face turns red when we disturb her with christmas songs while waiting for our bus.
upon reaching our destination, wan board the bus.
he's the important man for the day! we then walk our way to rock 13 and start setting our tent.
played soccer during midnight and winner get per sip per goal.
harun came after that.
we then ate the stuffs that some of them bring and slack while listening to songs.
park ranger past by and followed by police car but nothing happen.
they played soccer again and again and start playing dares.
around 0400 am, zaini, fir, shameer and me get into the tent while helmi, wan and harun is
before that, almost each of us have the same experience when playing soccer.
we smelt kemenyan and i saw some kind of white thing flying and vanishing tru the air at great speed.
in the tent, zaini was damn irritating storyteller as he use is metallic voice.
harun, helmi and wan already went exploring.
its pretty scary sia, and im already scared as about every 15 minutes theres something happening to our surrounding scuh as voices, shadows.
ouh fcuk, its damn scary.
we shared stories till around 0600am and finally the three of them came back.
when the sun rise, and it gets
wan and helmi
i then leypak at zaini home till around 0915 am and i went home sleeping till around 0400 pm?
wow, first time, thanks to the panadol.
so, meeting my mates again around 0740 pm for leypak session.
till here.
for pictures;
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