finally i changed my blogskin and it took me only an hour to do it. thanks to nurul ainy for the minor help. hahahaha, besok i'll get one snickers for you! so yah, do comment on my tag board regarding my new layout.
life was so miserable nowadays with rumours. fcuk up sia. humans, stop asking stupid questions and giving lame sarcasm. i think, i must adapt with the term "ignore". reason why - i can't make people to shut thier sweet lips.
about sarah and me, we are not together as what you people think. and is it wrong if we are close and sit together during recess? and, is it wrong if we talk in the phone and msn till late? come on KIDS, wake up la! being together does not mean, boyfee and gerlfee. so, stop accussing and get a life! stop bothering about peoples life. furthermore, it does not bother any of you kids.
everything that is stated above thereis just for the sake of screwing it up to those who make-up-rumours brain. yeahhh, im not into the mood of typing that much today. so yah, take care!
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