first of all, im here to wish you readers out there a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
whats your new year resolution?
so yah, LAST YEAR, i mean yesterday la. it was hari raya haji + new year eve.
as usual, had to wake up early in the morning for hari raya haji prayer. after prayer, met up with shameer, firdaus and zaini for a feast at shameer's house. i really love the nasi briyani turkey that his dad cook. nice nice, thumbs up. rushed home after a long chit chat at shameer's house.
cabbed to neneks house for af family gathering. and i noticed that my cousins from moms side had grown up already.
after that, proceed to my another gradma house which is on my father's side. everyone was there and its damn chaotic. at around 05.00 pm, one by one of my cousins cabot from grandma house. i then cabbed home alone at around 08.00 pm as im already late.
met up with zaini, shameer, helmi and ida. we get the things that we need for the countdown session and the worse part is my havaianas slick PUTUS! damn it siaa, $50 burnt just like that.
waited for firdaus and its normal la. LATE! mrt-ed down to harbour front and reached sentosa around 11.00 pm and one more hour to go.
TWELVE O'CLOCK! booooooom! the fireworks explode into the air and its damn nice but too bad, the trees at sentosa beach covered it. so yeah, we wished everyone out there a happy new year eventhough we dont know them.
we then find a place to settle down and we had fun there. listen to songs and start to re-cap about the year 2006 and started to make songs due to our boredom. well, shameers damn funny! WATCH OUT!
we lit up candles and sit in circle and enjoy till we smelt the morning dew. yeahh, walk from pahlawan beach till vivo city and its damn tiring! ZOUK OUT! tempting siaaa. i'll be there in two years time! laugh our lungs out in the train for some reason ahh! "hisap rokok....minum beer!" stop it siaa the song! *im laughing now sia and thanks to shameer! hahahahahahahaha.
reached home at 08.00 am and i sleep till 5.00 pm. damn tired sia. and now, i just came back home. went for a haircut just now. I HATE SHORT HAIR SIA. fcuk ehh. two more days to school. wohhooooo!
i want to pass my n' level with flying colours and get myself to sec 5.
about girlfee? i already promise "the schoolmates" that i won't have any more girlfee ah.
but ehk, tak salah kan kalau aku take back my words?
hahahahaha, thats all and i want to start enjoying life.
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