i'm here to blog again. i know it may be bored reading my everyday entry. but yeahh, this is my online diary. if not, what's blogspot meant for?
so today, its a day out to asrezal's house after school hour due to the cancellation of SSP. all the schoolmates was there except for nurul hudaa. wasted sunset la seyy. well, the 6 of them went to rezal's house first while i followed farhana, mirin, mimmah, ain, athirah and other two guys to haugang area. after meeting them and slacking for awhile, walked home and get change. took three buses to rezal's house. slacked slacked at his house for around 3 hours and then proceed back home straight. for the whole day, i feel restless and get irritated easily over small things. till now, i can feel that brain kept pumping like the heartbeat rate. the feeling is like having brain freeze. i think, that's migraine. ouh fcuk, its painful and i felt dizzy at times. i hope its not that serious. maybe, its because of the hot pretty day.
i really missed those times. its been 205 days since the broke-up. and jealousy towards the loving public kept intruding my heart and mind. okay, patience is virtue.
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