what a gorgeous Saturday today. however, my sweet dreams are then being paused by the phone call from ntuc income. damn it, you operator had already crushed my dreams! but nevermind, i forgive you. hahahaa. so after that, headed to the toilet and bathe! and now, i'm sitting and facing the damn lagging computer.
yesterday was the effing unforgettable day of my life. i'm really looking forward for yesterday as it was maybe the last day till school re-open of meeting gadissekolahadalahcinta as she will be going overseas for three days and had plans almost everday. waited for her for almost an hour and get to know that shes still with her friends. okay, i'm really pissed off that time. so, treated her badly by replying her sms in an inconsiderate manner. nurul ahhyin, nareeni, mazlan and me then proceed to ainy's house and i was like so fcuked up all the way. finally, i feel so bad about it and ask for her apology. oi, i love you laa. after slacking at ainy's crib for hours, we then proceed home.
met up with gadissekolahadalahcinta at the 62 bustop with atikah. ouh, and i'm really so delighted. we did talk last night and you really made my day! thanks again.
so, its 10-march-2007 today. and yew tee cc will be helding Karya Tari and Azpirasi will perform. i'm still not sure what i'm gonna wear for this pretty night. i hope its gonna be great. but sadly, gadissekolahadalahcinta can't go. i wish you were there tonight. till here! much love.
yesterday was the last dance. and im sure im gonna miss you badly. i will be counting till day you come back from overseas. till here, i really miss you.
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