ouh, its becoming effing stressing nowadays. with extra class that will be held everyday after school hours till late afternoon which they name it as SSP. its Self-Study-Programme actually. furthermore, lessons are getting more serious and the teachers are now even strict towards such small tragedy. they can flare up easily. next, money here and money there. need to pay for assessment books, files and even paper that was photostat-ed by our teachers. okay, what the hell. im starting to hate school.
ouh, im totally enjoying every single day of my life. a little bit of stress is just another part and parcel of life. life, for me is just full of ups and downs. well, who loves the "downs" rite? one thing, i do believe in karma too.
its already five months being un-attach. but, it doesn't mean that im really so desperate for one. im just waiting for the right time to get into the stage call "boyfee & girlfee". lets just see. but now, i love her cos she confess that she love me since last year break-up. im stuck. do assist me - i need advice!
ouh, that's everyday human that you will meet. now, friends are like eternity. we normally fought in class due to some short misunderstanding. and some just dont have the sense of humour. throwing tantrums at everyone. i know, everyone are different. i really have to admit that i scuk big time too. but now, i feel that sixteen years old is known to be an adult already. i really hate those little childish act of some people such as, "i don't want to friend you". wthell?, think about it! it still exist somewhere.
i wrote all this just for the sake of expressing everything out from my heart. yeahh, thats al. much love!
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