i really had no mood this few days. i really hope that i can concentrate like the others during lesson. mid year examination, n' level and o' level(malay) is just around the corner and im still putting my head down on the table. wake up faisal!
its the last four training for syf today. and, all of you guys really show a rapid improvement. im sorry for scolding you guys during training. i just need the all of us to be one and have a sense of urgentness. sadly, just now mdm faezah mentioned that the sec fours and sec fives will be stepping down from our cca by next week. and its saddening that we need to step down coz we wont be having any tuesday's and thursday's training anymore. and sure, i will really miss it after participating in mldds for four years.
thanks for the "hello" just now. and, you really made my day. but finally, it kills me. confusion and undecided decision kept intruding my mind. thanks, gadissekolah.
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