Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Tought of meeting Liyana and Ek. But it was cancel due to some problem. 2.00 p.m, i slack around with my friends. Play takraw till 7.00 p.m. Then went home, update friendster and stuffs. Thats about it. Bye. `go view my friendster profile. Hahaa.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Today, is a great day. The normal and express classes went to town together. Im like planning everything, but im the one who is late. So sorry guys. There is about fifteen plus people going. First stop, Far East Plaza. Eat eat, buy things. Thats all. Then to Heeren. Walk walk only. Then, back to Far East Plaza caus nisa, fifi, munirah and mazlan going buy something. Then finally slack around at Esplanade till 8.00 p.m and they feel like going home. Thats all. Pictures below..
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Happy Chinese New Year.
We had our show today. But im just the so-called backstage crew. Everthing was okae. Only study malay and maths today. E maths is difficult! Stress. Now im at home infront of the computer. Going to Dikir at 6.00 p.m till 10.00+ p.m. So exhausted now. Tomorow gonna be fun. Gents and Ladies, meet at Compass point okay. Under the "swimming pool" at 1.00 p.m. There is about seventeen plus people going. So many rite. Wahuhuahua. Do anyone know whats with iwebtunes and tagboard? Its not operating.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Just finish the CNY rehearsal again. Tired sehh. Tomorow actual day. Im the in backstage. Hahaa. Cool. No need to study tomorow. Wow. Sengkang youth!. Listen, one site in our school is hunted. So scary. I can't write this down. Better writing Composition then writing it here. Go and find out guys. Scary sehh.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
After school, there is "Sexual Education" talk . It took two period for the talk. So bored. Then, at three, there is CNY reahearsel. Im only involve in the backstage stuff. So good. End about 7.00 p.m. So late. The actual day will be this friday. No need to study. Hahaa. Now im at home. To them who will be going this saturday, please tell me by tomorow.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Stay back after school to do class decoration. Its not fair to say that i do the class decoration. I only do little bit. And, I just disturb them and clean the class. There is a fight during the decoration. Its the other class fight. So childish. Bodoh. And now im at home updating this blog.
Whats with the flower...
Monday, January 23, 2006
Today have madrasah. As usual, fun and boring. At three meet the rest and play sepak takraw. Play for a while because of my leg still not recovered. And now im on the computer till night. There is PE tomoro. Shit. My leg still not recovered. Good good. Thats all i have to say.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Just came back from Dikir Training. Great news is that there is two competition coming up. Wahuahua. So good. Will be busy this days. Tomoro there is tuition at Hougang Sec. Or so-called mendak-i. Quite fun tough. Okay thats all. Bad Nights!
Friday, January 20, 2006
As usual for today. Get to see some kind of blackmagic. Cool. At school we don't talk to each other. Don't know why. Okay. Thats all. So many things stuck up in mind. Stress.
Thursday, January 19, 2006
Pay this, Pay that. So many things to pay. For Art, it already cost more than Eighty Dollars. Not included other things. Haiyo. But, nevermine. School was okay just now. Express Mathematics was really difficult. Make people stress. As usual. Kept running away from some teachers regarding my hair. From secondary one, they kept aiming me. What the. Nevermine~. Thats all for today. Bye.
Then, issit about scolding that "fcuker" thing? You scold me many times, and im okay with it. I don't even block you!. But i just scold you once or twice. And you are already changing. Must we fight over this. Its childish okae. Its up to you. I don't understand your way. Why not, you go on with your new crush , or that someone. Can?.
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Go school with sean and Xeryl. Sick her. So sad. As usual for school. So boring. Lost my mood in everything today. Especially that something or should i say in that someone. Thats all.
Monday, January 16, 2006
No story to tell for today and tomorow. Haha~. Only, happy birthday to Liyana. And to Xeryl, get well okae.
See you tomorow in the morning.
See you tomorow in the morning.
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Today, school is quite fun. But, i still anti that teacher. Orange form and Orange form. Aniting goes~. After school, go outside school. As usual, meet the others. Then at two thirty, went back to school for the carnival. The carnival was fun, with the dikir was really set-up. Thanks to Juara, Nazirah. Haha. Nice voice seh. Friday, for assembly maybe we will be performing Dikir. Haha. Just wait and see. After school, go home. Then go for outside Dikir training till 10 p.m. Long time never come. Very fun la. Then this problem struck my mind. About her. Well, nevermine. You are dissapointed in me. But im not that dissapointed in you. You just don't get what i mean. The trust is still there

Where is the other guys.
Left Four only.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Today, go school with Xeryl and sean. But this time, they meet under my block. Haha. Have silent reading in class as the parade square is wet. During english, the "teacher" kept aiming at me and warning me about orange form. Sengkang sec peeps knows whats that~. Make me no mood to study English. Nevermine. Got to know two new great news today. One is, i and others actually was chosen for EAGLES award by my Cca teachers, but, some other subject teachers just dont agree as my attitude in class last year is really bad. Nevermine. Aniting goes. The other one is secret. Rite?. Haha. Shhhh. Never attend dikir training as got Mldds till 6.30 p.m. Tomoro also got Mldds. Nevermine. Bye.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Rain rain~. Never stop. Today school was boring. Get scold with that teacher many times altough the others are even noisier. Tomoro Hari Raya Haji. The earliest time i reach home today. At 2.14 p.m. Wednesday must go Rajawali. Cant wait~. So long didnt attend the dikir training and kompang. Conferm kena scold. Nevermine. Okay, im tired. Bye.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Today went to madrasah at 12.00 p.m. Suppose to be there at 11.30 a.m. But meet Afida for a while.
Need to change class. So boring already. Fcuk. Then at 3.00 p.m go home.
at 4.00 p.m go down meet the others. Talk talk. And now. Im at home.
Tomorow skool!!.
Need to change class. So boring already. Fcuk. Then at 3.00 p.m go home.
at 4.00 p.m go down meet the others. Talk talk. And now. Im at home.
Tomorow skool!!.
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Today at school. All the way hiding from the teacher who cought my hair yesterday. I lie to him. Hahaa. School bell rang at 12.40 p.m. Finally im save. After school, settle some sort of problems outside. Then go meet the others at hougang. After that go home. Have problem with my Brother. Fcuker guy.Now, im here. The End.
Liyana, get well soon okae?
Friday, January 06, 2006
Meet up with Xeryl and Sean at 6.45 a.m. We go school together like yesterday. But today, its worst. While sitting under Sean block, we ask him about thermometer. As Sean forget to bring, he call his maid to throw down from his house which at fourth storey. Instead of throwing thermometer, the maid throw down a small laptop. The screen break and spoilt. The laptop cost about hundred plus. Donno what will happen. After that we hurry to the bustop to wait for 88. It was already 7.00 a.m. We were late already. About 12 bustop to school. Reach skool at 7.20 a.m. Must write late coming form. My hair get cought by teacher. Altough its short to me. Sit outside office for Two Hours while one by one the teachers dicipline us. If know never should come school.
After that, afternoon go out skool for a while as usual. Then got Mldds. Training Dikir, using Rajawali song. The Mldds peeps quite good la. Teach them lyrics and stuffs. Reach home at 8.00 p.m. Small fight with parents again.Thats all.
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Morning meet Xeryl and Sean tag along. Quite fun la. Laugh laugh. Yeah, tomorow books is damn heavy. Die Die. Mldds just now very fun. Got structure structure. Style sehh. see it below~. End ML at six thirty, but kesiannyer, Nazirah leg dislocated. Wahuahua. So sad. My leg still not okae. Doctor do lie. He say One or Two weeks my leg will recover. But now, its going two weeks. Still the SAME. Shits~. Listen, two more daes till friday.
Snapsot One.
Snapsot Two.
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Very big thank you to Nurul Ainy Bte Suhaimi for helping building this blogspot. Its the first time im blogging. Yeah, guide me peeps. Im slow. Hahaaa. Thanks again Ainy.
This is the first day of the Long Pants. People everywhere who have seen me wearing short pants last year was all like looking at me strangely. Funny sehh. Wear long pants wrong, short pants also wrong. Fcuker. And the secondary fours and five were like saying, "wow, long pants already sehh". Im just like, "Hahaa". Bad luck, wear long pants, but leg sprain. -So called "leg break". Reach school today at around 7.15 a.m. Saw Ashriq at canteen. At last got cousin~. Form teacher Mdm Faezah. cool~ class Three n Seven. okayla~. Metting Xeryl in the morning tomorow. Some kind of date. Rite Xeryl?. Wahuahua.
Eight more hours to school again...
This is the first day of the Long Pants. People everywhere who have seen me wearing short pants last year was all like looking at me strangely. Funny sehh. Wear long pants wrong, short pants also wrong. Fcuker. And the secondary fours and five were like saying, "wow, long pants already sehh". Im just like, "Hahaa". Bad luck, wear long pants, but leg sprain. -So called "leg break". Reach school today at around 7.15 a.m. Saw Ashriq at canteen. At last got cousin~. Form teacher Mdm Faezah. cool~ class Three n Seven. okayla~. Metting Xeryl in the morning tomorow. Some kind of date. Rite Xeryl?. Wahuahua.
Eight more hours to school again...