we will both mark the date thirty july two zero zero six.new beginning.<3 sri hanifayana.
after ceramics class, went to tampines with ainy and mazlan.meet up with sri hanifayana at century square while mazlan and ainy took a cab home.we sat under the block while trying to complete her homework.at around 2030 hrs, sent her home and i walk all the way form tampines till simei mrt station.thats a long and eerie walk, and i was still in my school uniform.took the train and 27-ed till hougang.meet shameer to buy somethink and off home.finally reach-ed home at 2200 hrs.no school day for skss tomorow.we was like planning for pasir ris beach tomorow.wohoooo, best best.maybe meeting sri hanifayana again.till here.much love.okay go!
meet up with hanifayana at national library at1700 hrs.went to hougang and back to tampines for her gradma house.great day.full of laughter.yeahh, thanks for the day hanifayana.you make my day siahhh.hahahaaa.okay till here.okay go!mimpi yang sempurna.
YESTERDAY.great day.slack with shameer and zaini from noon till 1830 hrs.and then straight home and get change to meet honeyfayana.reach-ed tampines around 1820 hrs.and waited for her till 1900 hrs.but nevermine.took 65 to cineleisure.lambat giler and slow giler punyer bus.she sleeps and woke up, sleeps and woke up.and she blame it on the bus and me moving.
kesian dier.
reach cineleisure around 2000 hrs.find a place to eat and we was like walking all around town.missed GSE as its was late already.therefore, meet the rest at rooftop and then go to peninsula plaza there.so many freaking mats and minahs.eat at long john silver and it was 2300 hrs already.walk quickly to train and sent her home.finally reach-ed home at 0015 hrs.thanks for the great day honeyfayana.i will keep your clip.stuck to you.mimpi yang sempurna.
school was fun today.hilarious people, idiotic noisest.went home straight, get change and off to school for Mldds.a slacking day for Mldds today.was reminded to hand in art work tomorow.and, because of last minute, i make it as if it was a primary two kid work.and the final piece only took me three minutes.ahh, hack care.after Mldds, meet up with firdaus, helmi and shameer.slack slack till 2030 hrs and went home.okay go!two more days to go.excited ahh!
yesterday, meet up with shameer, helmi and sri hanifayana.slack slack at zaini area till dark.laugh out loud.talk here, talk there.very fun day.and importantly, very SURPRISING day.wohooo.best best.fate fate?you know i know okay.till here.okay go!
today school is okay.but, have stomach cramp early in the morning.after school had our ceramics lesson.did the planning only.cabot by 1630 hrs and meet nurul outside library.talk talk at canteen till 1800 hrs and went home.thats all for today.okay go!to the one who act as faisal.go and die laa.kentalans.meet up outside my school tomorow if u dare.peices of shiit.kurang kasih sayang.psycho-maniac guy.oh im so sorry, PSYCHO MANIAC GERL!.
didnt attend mendak-i.i was too tired.wake up around 1400 hrs.onlined for awhile and meet slack with shameer till1900 hrs.life's is full of up and down.oh my.and to the idiot who tag at my tagboard.do tell me who you are.are you a gay?or just a plain fcuker.im so looking forward to know you.kentalans sialans.childish.i'll track you one day.so, do tag again.thanks for tagging!till here.okay go!in the process of forgetting the you.reducing the love and ending it.
had racial harmony day today.very fun.especially the dikir barat, the percussion-nist and dance.all this was done by MLDDS.and, the arab dance too.cool humans.great humans.sporting humans.wear all red, and its like, most of them were in red.a slacking day as its racial harmony day.not much studies.but fcuk, such thing as racial riots do happen during school time.you all are stupid.kentalans bodoh.fcuker scuker.there is many new kind people now.i realised it today.daliana, syed, syahirah, fifi, nini, firhan, sheila, eera and some newbies i met whom wereee-kin, peh-ah and man and some others.so kind of you guys.thanks for those treat and everything.good peoples is better unlike those sombong-ersand plain fcukers.i don't need you shittacks.its mr luo last day.and its sad.he cried as we sing him loud songs.touching ahh.3n7 rocks you people life rite?great great.besok mendak-i.besok nak buat art laa.monday due date for prep work and final piece.wthell la.pictures below.i will keep updating.till here, okay go!
ouh my.
don't call me dumb or bisu if im quiet?.
plain fcukers.
hypocrites. oaky go!
you make negative thoughts correct.
arh, go by your own laa.
shittacks. okay go!
school is so boring.
fcuking humid.
boring class, hypocrites peoples.
negative day. okay go!
tomorow is racial harmony.
will surely be a negative day too.
my mood is bad nowadays.
fcuk laa. okay go!
aniway people, this is my blog and my say.
a blog to let out all my feelings.
okay, if you dont like it.
get out of the way.
okay go!
today is wednesday.tomorow is thursday.and tomorow tomorow is friday.racial harmony and mt week falls on friday.yeah, i will be wearing all red.okay best.school was okay okay today.the word orange form is so irritating.sign one today and one yesterday.ouh, who cares.sign for not bringing PE shirt and didnt attend class eventhough i have a valid reason.and thats an offence?wtfuck laa.till here.okay go!
mix up brain.thinking wheter its this or that.is it true or untrue.forget it or stop it.school was okay,go to school as per normal with the others.an okay okay day+boring lessons.get my IC yesterday after a month of waiting.tought of photostating and laminate-ting my IC so i can usethe photostate-ed one rather than the original one.yeahh man.well nevermine.yeah, thats it.bye.khabar angin or serious shit?okay go!
went to esplanade for baybeats with mimmah, ainy, ain, fieqa and amer yesterday.meet many familiar faces there.sorry if i dont wave at you guys.we stayed there from 1700 hrs till 2130 hrs.watch many performance.the pinholes was so cool.bought the landyard and the poster.thats all for yesterday.i wanna go there again ah today.today last day!
alermakk, ainy saket.shit ah.okay, im bored.bye.okay go!

baybeats yesterday??ouh yar hoh.very tired this past few days.things happen one by one.one by one pegi.thats sad.today, supposing to go out with mazlan, syahirah, mimmah and only me.since syahirah never go, the three of us will just join ainy, ain, fieqa at hougang interchange by 4.going walk walk at town and finally to esplanade for baybeats.meeting the others at esplanade too.yeah. till here.do take care readers.okay go!
secretive fcuking tragedy~
went to clinic at around 1945 hrs to get medication.but, consulted with the doctor at 2015 hrs.there were many people there.doctor say my throat was damn red.and i got flu.haiyo.after that, meet mimmah, missah and syed.the four of us slack slack under the block.talk talk about ourself.laugh and laugh.draw draw on tables.we all slack till 2215 hrs and then missah andsyed went to the 325 bustop while mimmah and me walkhome first.a very great day!they really make my day.best best.thats all.take care readers.bye.hoping thats untrue.
today school is per normal.learn new techniques of using crayons, colouring and stuffs.its cool!we were told to apply those techniques next time.hahahaaa.best best.after school, meet syed and waited for mimmah.went home together.ainy, fieza, fieka and me plan to do our mother tongue week project.but i cancel it as we didnt plan the things needed to bring.later at 1920 hrs, going to meet Syed, Missah and Mimmah.So kind of them to follow me go clinic.thats good.maybe have leypak session after that too.now, im busy-ing completing these last minute powerpoint which must behanded tomorow.shit ahh.nevermine nevermine.till here.take care readers.okay go!
reached masjid bustop and the time is 1215 hrs already.at first, i was ready to go, but finally its a no no.madrasah is now so boring already as many have quitted.this term, i have escape madrasah three times including today.last term, its countless already.well, nevermine.i hope today is the last time.and i will be going starting next week.insyallah.but, i just want to quit as school is more important.if madrasah, we still learn the same old thing again and again.so, see first.therefore, meet mimmah at 1240 hrs.we slack slack and the rain start pouring heavily.went home at 1430 hrs and get change and bring sweather down in case of emergency.but finally, mimmah was wearing the sweather most of thetime as she's shivering.but its not that cold to me laa.hahahaa, donno why.did some sketches and prep works.firdaus joined us at around 1600 hrs.at around 1730 hrs we went home.while crossing, this idiot reckless driver was about to hit us.we are just about 1 metre away from his big truck.and it was speeding all the way.can't you just horn at us?stupidity.but after all, it was our fault too laa for crossing during the red light.and also talking while crossing and without looking left and right.luckily i saw that truck.if not, its the end of us siaa.nasib baik.mimmah plan to have outing to town with mazlan and syahirah next week.four of us again like last time.hopefully the two of them can laa.okay best.yeah, thats all.till here.take care humans.okay go!
things have all ended yesterday.no more misunderstanding.oh yeah, and flu have gone today.left little bit hingus-hingus ajer.and sorethroat is getting lesser painful.no more blood cough.and no more fever.so, woke up at 0900 hrs and get ready for mendak-i.hudaa state in her blog saying, if i go then she go.if i never go, then she never go and that also means, ainwill be alone.and it will be kesian.so, i go la.okay cool.mendak-i is so mendak today.after that at 1340 hrs meet ainy, mira and mazlan at CP to try tocomplete our art and dapatkan information and ilham.borrowed books and started on mind map already.but still havent plan what im going to do for the theme given whilemira, mazlan and ainy already got greatful ideas.next, at1615 hrs, ainy and me went to CP to meet ain and fieka.and what sucks is, im the only guy between the roses.wthell, so boring.but at last fun laa.go to SCAPE to watch the Comic Strips performing.nice nice song they sang.reggae+ska genre.cool laa.then walk walk around town.not much familiar faces today.asked ain about the art thing as she have great ideas.she told me to draw a man which its body is divided into half.on the left side is during the day and on the right is during the night.thanks to her ideas.so great.therefore, i must get started on my prep work by tomorrow.i must owe you somethink okay ain.snickers can?ok best.finally, get out of town at around 2000 hrs.and reached home at 2100 hrs.overall, its fun+boring=average day today.okay go!
blogspot may be the place to let things out.your daily life and also problem faced.but its not everything that i faced daily may be listed here,therefore, i do write something but not yet everything.get your ideas right!yeah, time passes so quickly.but things in mind still fading slowly.memories are there but everything is just a cliche.it get worse day by day.whats the problem and whats the cause of this?the consequences are let to be.to me, i avoid people just because i want to forget it.and also, not to let it happen again.trusting, forgiving and waiting have been done for years.but it turn out this way.well nevermine.you are on your own as you always want to.eh people, this is not emo okay!yeah, ha-ha.and also, dont ask me anymore why i turned out this way.am i so different?if yes, there is something that will ought to be nothing for you.so, dont need to know is the best way for you guys lah.okay go.bye.if you say im controling you,its all up to you.from now, i will turn the other way round.and dont come pleading.
cough-ed blood and also feverish today.fajr say, i may have throat cancer.and thats so fake.hahahaaa.scary ahh.school was fine, as per normal laa.finished two packets of tissue because of flu.have fun during all the lesson.laugh, laugh and laugh.but during cca, im quiet.okay till here.meeting the others at 7.30 p.m.life's scuk.life's fcuk.okay go!those things still stuck in my head.but nevermine.slowly and slowly it will go.
father force to go school even i have given many excuses.so, take about 7 deep breath and move to get the taxi.arrived school at 7.25 a.m.lessons was okay today.after school went to computer lab to complete my group ipw powerpoint.but its still half completed!and friday is the due date.well, nevermine.went home with fieza after that.take 80 and 88 home.and wow hudaaa!.cheh, sampai tulis kat blogspot.okay okay.you are a girl.but, be a sweet one.remember what i say.do things at the right time.this is not criticising, this is nasihat.hahaa.be like nurul hudaa!sweet sweet.ha-haa.okay stop. da cukup panjang pon.meet in msn.okay go!!WATCH SURIA AT 8.30 p.m TODAY!!wohoooo, tak dapat tgk kat esplanade, kat tv pon jadi laa.hahahaaa.okay go!
plan to play soccer and slack slack.finally, there were only three of us.therefore, zaini plan to go Royal Plaza to take his taxi claim.as it was getting mendak in hougang,i get change and straight to hougang mrt station.there were only shameer, zaini and me.reach RP, went in with them.and it was so grand.the lifts, the toilets, and the everything.went to search for their manager and walk walk around.they told me to join them next year in the banquet department.and thats great ah, i will be there as a staff next year!can't wait, wohooo!after that, go eat, and take the train to hometown.saw ainy and fatina at orchard mrt.sorry eh ainy!you know i know.next time we go out okay?!slacked at 550 for an hour and off to home.thats it.goodbye.
yesterday went to grandma house.was forced to go there actually.so boring, but finally great as i got to know something new.do u people read the newpaper yesterday??go read it page 20 and 21.the tragedy of september 11 has a big lie.it is not a plane which hit the tower, is a cruise missile.and yeah, bomb was actually planted to make it collapse.go to http://www.loosechange911.com and http://www.911myths.com to learn more.its no school day today as its Youth Day.therefore, no school = not at home.meeting zaini at Ntuc to go to tailor shop and thento zilan then to hougang mall to repair my zippo lighter.after that meet the rest for leypak session and soccer.yeah, thats our plan for today.happy fifteen birthday to NURULbelle and also Munirah.take care!
yesterday, went out to meet xeryl and kel at hougang mall delifrance.at first plan to study with xeryl at macdonald and joined by kelly only at 5.00 p.m,but lastly, we changed plan.after delifrance, we are off to the library to get our stuffs and also buy things for the projects.after that, 325-ed to hougang green.we sat in the macdonald for hours.joined by fatina and yulin too.and we half completed our project already.and thats a yay for us!and a very big thanks to xeryl for teaching me physics.you are great and so smart.i know im slow.but, u still try hard to put those physics shit in my brain!hahahahaa. thanks so much!after that, they went to kelly house while i meet zaini, helmi, shameer and anotherthree girls.played 3 matches of soccer altogether at dewan tong sampah.and it was damn tiring.after that slack slack around and went home at 10.00 p.m.
you tought i dont know??
you pin this up at my hp wallpaper.
till now, i forget to change. hahaha.
evil xerylic-sasa!
hair short.what suck about yesterday is, i dont get to watch Mega Perdana Final 2006.till now, i still dont know which team is first.should be Keris followed by Neng Nyno and MakYong Kedek.hope so laa.okay go!and yeah, yesterday also be the day i stop laying my imagination about it.
day by day, it become worse.
imagination makes my mind go wild.
trying very hard to forget it bit by bit.
but memories are still running in my mind.
therefore, escaping is just the best solution for this.
hoping there is a new plus different and also same in some way.
yeahh. this cant go on.
it must be ended.
this is not emo-ing, this is just what i wanna express.
meeting xeryl selenger and kelly at around 1.30 p.m.going to study with them.yeahh. that will be great.long time never went out together.but it seem awkward ahh.2 girls and 1 boy.so, i guess we will be bringing fatinboy over.than, thats great.study study and do project till night laa.thats all. i will update again.okay go!she's a crossed out.