a day out with lola, fie, mazlan and fatina.
firstly, im sorry for reaching 50 minutes late.
okay, our first destinantion was city hall.
went to peninsula and i was like searching all over the shop for cardigan.
why peninsula dont sell cardigans ah?
i tot its a place for scene kids stuff?
next destination was far east plaza.
tuck in at rose garden restaurant.
and finally, i bought this $39 dollars cardigan at lips enterprise.
might as well, i buy it at topshop for $59.
ouh my god, money is killing me.
then, go to esplanade to watch the opening of Pesta Raya which was held in conjunction of hari raya.
it showcases tarian, music and acting.
and it seems like baybeats with quite alot of people watching it.
saw cikgu azmi who is my school instructer and choreographer for our dance and now i finally know hes actually the choreographer of azpirasi.
and, i love their zapin hip-hop!
must watch!!
SYF next year, contemporary.
lets aim for gold with honour.
(the performance do give me the semangat)
cool shit ahh.
meeting nuruul III at 27 bustop.
plan to go to cash converters at tampines as i want to survey the price of the cameras there.
i guess, i better buy the second-hand camera for a short-term use then i will buy a new camera maybe next year.
i must psycho my dad this time for an expensive camera or maybe an slr camera.
caus, im in love with photograpy but i dont have the money which is about $500++ unless i take it from my bank.
damn it.
after that go back to CP to meet hudaa, fatin and my other 6 mates for our job at sembawang which is under tepak sireh.
this gonna be great cos I REALLY NEED MONEY.
okay go!