Monday, February 26, 2007

i'm here to blog again. i know it may be bored reading my everyday entry. but yeahh, this is my online diary. if not, what's blogspot meant for?

so today, its a day out to asrezal's house after school hour due to the cancellation of SSP. all the schoolmates was there except for nurul hudaa. wasted sunset la seyy. well, the 6 of them went to rezal's house first while i followed farhana, mirin, mimmah, ain, athirah and other two guys to haugang area. after meeting them and slacking for awhile, walked home and get change. took three buses to rezal's house. slacked slacked at his house for around 3 hours and then proceed back home straight. for the whole day, i feel restless and get irritated easily over small things. till now, i can feel that brain kept pumping like the heartbeat rate. the feeling is like having brain freeze. i think, that's migraine. ouh fcuk, its painful and i felt dizzy at times. i hope its not that serious. maybe, its because of the hot pretty day.

i really missed those times. its been 205 days since the broke-up. and jealousy towards the loving public kept intruding my heart and mind. okay, patience is virtue.


Sunday, February 25, 2007

sorry for not updating for a few days. lets start with yesterday;
met up with rezal, ainy, nini and afiqah at compass point. we then proceed to vivo city as fieqah wanna get her brother birthday present. we walked all around vivo city and i did some shopping there. bought two pants at giordano which cost $60 altogether. after that went to topman and bought one black crew neck t-shirt. met zaini, ida, wan and syaf at toys r' us while waiting for mazlan arrival. had lunch at ljs and then proceed to town. walked all around town, up and down. there's chingay and all roads are close. therefore we cant cross and need to take a damn big round. went to topman at wisma again and get another polo tee. finally, we went back to compass point for slacking session and went home straight. and shit, i miss pesta perdana as i reached home at 11.00 pm.
for today, played sepak takraw at sengkang with wan, ili, pek, sam and zack. while playing, the sound of kuda kepang percussion can be heard very loudly as its just near our court. after the game. we joined the huge crowd watching the kuda kepang in action. damn fascinating and scary. and one part. one of the guy who already menurun, look at us while shaking his head to the beat and chase us and we was like running away with fast heartbeat rate. overall, its fun although its quite scary. and so, i'm looking forward to the next outing to geylang to watch the kuda kepang again. best la seyy. till here.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

so, its a day out with the schoolmates yesterday. but, before that, went to both grandmas crib. well, they live nearby. i mean, few blocks away. cabut-ed from grandmas house at 0615 pm and walk to boon keng mrt station. on the way to bugis, ainy called and changed plan to city hall.

so, it was the first time The Schoolmates went out with no absentees. so, two siti's (fie and nie), three mohd's (rezal, mazlan and me) and also four nurul's (ahyyin, ainy, fiqah, hudaa). and nurul ainy brought natazsha too. and its been a few years since i last met her. lads and laddetes, thanks for the overwhelming welcome ceremony by clapping your hands loudly in the middle of the huge crowd! hahahaha, giler but sweet! we walked to marina square and then slack at esplanade by the bay. and back to marina square where nurul ainy did her final shopping. we then train-ed back home to our hometown. that's all. fun day!

today was the rehearsal at National University of Singapore. so yeahh, its our first and last rehearsal to prepare for the upcoming SYF. and it turns out to be okay-okay. after that, the normal kids slack at block zero till 0730 pm. okay, cool day too! non-stop laughter! till here, thanks for reading!

Monday, February 19, 2007

i just so love yesterday. thanks eh, long-lost ex-schoolmate hahahaha, and yeahh, forget about just now okay Shaa. and yeahh, hope to bump into you tomorrow! and finally, happy sixteen birthday! and, don't call me adik as you are only three months older.
so, today went out and proceed to ainy's crib. the taunt-ning session was canceled due to some problems. therefore, we slacked at her house. there's ainy, her two older sister with their boyfees, mazlan, ninie and her sister and myself. we watch the thailand ghost movie. and its effing scary! at around 0830 pm, all of us went home as ainy need to go to her grandmas place. a great day today.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

its was a day out with The Schoolmates yesterday. but sadly, nurul ahhyin and siti khafifah didn't join us. we met at compass point at around 0300 pm and then proceed to vivo city. went to Topshop, Forever 21 and Gap. however, when we came out from the store, none of us bought anything. due to the chinese new year eve, all the shops in the shopping centres was only open till late afternoon as the chinese had an reunion dinner which is likely part of their tradition.

after an hour at vivo city, we train-ed to orchard to have our lunch at far east plaza. its a ghost town then! there's like only a small lot of humans walking all around orchard with shopping bags.

at around 0800 pm, we then proceed back to our area. instead of going home, the seven of us (nurul ainy, nurul hudaa, nurul afiqah, siti nareeni, mohd asrezal, mohd mazlan and me) went to ainy's house for a slumber party as her parents was on an holiday trip to kuala lumpur. we watch the movie Alexandria while eating the titbits and the food that ainy and me cook. overall, its a fun + tiring day. after a long period of camwhoring, hudaa and me proceed home at 1030 pm while mazlan, ninie and afiqah went home at 1100 pm. as for rezal, he sleptover at ainy's crib.

(announcement: to the schoolmates, on monday, 19 february 2007, ainy's holding a slumber party at her house. most of us will be sleeping over at her house. schoolmates, try to make this happen. its gonna be pretty great!)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

did i always type the phrase "i miss being in love" in most of my post? seriously, now, i realised that since last year, there's a lady whom still non-stop showering her love on me eventhough i once detest her. sorry for hating you and even broke your heart for numerous time. all i can say, you are my sweetest ex-girlfee. thanks for the non-stop smiles and the chaotic-ness when you saw me in school. eventhough my mates said that you're like a shiok-sendiri or what-so-ever, i'm not gonna agree as deep in my heart, that's really sweet of you. and, remember, we will always be friends okay!

now, i'm just waiting patiently for a new pretty love-story. and takers? hahahaa, till here. happy valentines day readers!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

first of all, i wanna wish takziah to one of the old badge rajawali crew who had just pass away a few days ago. agar rohmu dicucuri rahmat, amin.

okay now, all humans people are like countdown-ing the day after today. okay la, not all, its only those with boyfee or girlfee la. the shops at shopping centres are all full of discounts due to valentines day. flowers which come in bouquet, watches, jewelleries, chocolates, electronic items and more. and in school we were like, exchange give la; kau belikan aku rose, aku kasi kau rose balik. hahahaa, how cute. lets just see tomorrow.

so, chemistry common test are quite difficult but at least i can answer some questions. all thanks to nurulbelle for tuition-ning for the past few days. best best, and maths was like not enough time! damn it lah siaa. its only a common test, it doesn't affect the N' levels at all. but yeahh, i'm hoping for a good grade for my common test. insyallah.

after school had a short mldds training which turn out to be damn hilarious la sey. and then proceed to meet zaini and slack at hougang with both zaini and firdaus till 09.00 p.m. that's all, much love.

Monday, February 12, 2007

the music in my blog which is soothingly playing on your desktop is currently my top favourite indon song. want it? tell me, and i'll send it to you via msn. okay now, everyone was like talking about valentines day which falls on 14 february yearly. i guess, that's the hottest topic for this few days. the watch-out-mates planned for a valentines day outing together. but sadly, i don't feel like going. have fun you couples! i miss the time being in love.

so, had english and physics common test today. its not that hard afterall. i'm just nervous and afraid of tomorrow's paper which is chemistry and maths. nurulbelle will definitely kill me if i fail my common test. i'll try hard and remain persistence la ehh! and mother told me, i'm like the next harapan for the family. and, that means i need to succeed academically! ouh gosh, such a burden. hahahaaa. insyallah.

meeting nurulbelle at around 05.00 pm later to claim her notes which is beautifully written in her journal. thanks tau! its useful, confirm shit. and maybe, going to study with her for awhile as she wanna help me with my chemistry. thanks la belle, you helped me alot of times already. just received an sms from zaini asking me to accompany him to haugang mall. okay laa, since i'm free, i'll meet you guys tonight. that's all, much love.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

its been awhile since i last update my blog. okay, i know that my blog is getting bored day by day. who cares, i'm treating it as my online diary and i will try updating it everyday although theres no readers. so, for the past few days, its mostly MUGGING day as my mates were having great fun out there. lets start;

obviously, thursday i had mldds and i tried stopping myself for a date-study with anyone as the day before i've already spent my whole afternoon meeting up with dee for mugging session.

on last friday, the school organized a cross country run @ macritchie reservoir for all the students. okay, its quite fun though. the playing of water, the non-stop laughing, the scoldings from many teachers for coming in last although we are the first bunch to start off the race and many more. its a great day afterall. after that, went home and get change to meet lyra at tampines. we slacked at tampines and start mugging for chemistry. and get to know new peoples who have the same connection. okay cool. thanks lyra for the tuition!

yesterday, woke up at around 1300 hrs as i'm damn tired. watched indonesian show at sctv which is quite funny + sad. at around 1600 hrs, nurulbelle was already sitting patiently at my bustop. i quickly got myself change and ran downstairs. we then proceed to the block near hougang green for study session. and nurulbelle, you are damn good in chemistry. i promise that i'll tuition you combine humanities one fine day. after that, we then slacked at around hougang mall area and sent her to the bustop.

and humans, congrats for passing your o' levels. to those who didn't make it, theres always NAFA & LA' SALLE where elder brother decide to go. and worse, hes taking visual communication which im so into it. and worse of all, dad agreed eventough the fees were damn expensive! looks like, i've got no chance. damn it.

and humans, the theme park which is located near hougang mall is a must go! its much more happening then escape theme park! and thats damn happening shit. go and take a look and you guys will go "WOW!!!!". hahaha, thats all. till here, take care!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

well, everyone was like so chaotic with the upcoming valentines day. being single now is like everything. its not that i can go around looking for girls! its actually like im free from anything. but, those memories of every single lovely thing with the ex's and oh's kept intruding my mind. sometimes, i get so envy with those couples quarelling down the aisle, laughing with each other in the bus and holding hands while walking. thanks to my novel which kept myself occupied all this while.

after the pretty broke up with the 20th lady on 4 august 2006, im with many different girls per week. they are just crush whom somehow lighten up my day, but day after day some turned out to be not my type. okay, screw this! im not a cassanova. im like so easy to be in love and fall out of love. it is stated under my horoscope. new year resolution, let love come get me! ahahaaaa, i dont mind waiting for one than goin to more than one. patience is virtue.

so today, a plain boring day in school. whole class recieved many scoldings from different teachers and im sick of it. escaped combined science ssp as dee was already waiting at tampines. so yah, its the first time meeting her. we spent the whole day laughing and irritating each other. great day ah dee and nice meeting you. thats all! thanks for reading + tagging readers.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

i hate having short hair. and now, its like damn short. who cares, it will grow long one fine day. and yeahh, i'm down with a serious sorethroat + flu. common test is like in six days time. and, im like so stressed up. lets start mugging hard!

will be meeting dee tomorrow at tampines as shes willing to help me with my chemistry. its mugging time tomorrow. thanks eh SAWASS. hahahaha, lets just see besok about what you say. and yeahh, i'm hating school nowadays. haiyo, don't ask me why. that's all, take care readers.

Monday, February 05, 2007

well, yesterday was a happening + quite pathetic day at emi's crib. theres emi, zaini, ida, shameer, fir and kelly. we watch Singapore vs Thailand. and we were like semangat Singapura! happening la seyy. full of laughters and vulgars. after the match, we proceed home while zaini and ida taunt at emi's house.

school today is a damn-ouh-plain-bored day! its like, theres nothing exciting about school. study, study and study. after school, proceed to Compass Point with ainy, mazlan and syafiqah for our lunch and then went to block zero area. we let it all out! talk about life, parents, humans, love and everything we could think of! finally, i felt much more better. so were they! and proceed home. will be going out later to meet the watch out mates for leypak session. that all! take care readers. *tagging at my tagboard is free.

Friday, February 02, 2007

i noticed something, there's one kind of virus spreading all around Singapore. many of them are down with flu, sore throat and fever. and, i'm like one of them. the medication that the doctor gave to me didn't cure my sickness at all. i'm always with cardigan coz, its shitting cold eventough humans are perspiring. SICK!

so yeahh, school was as per normal. a plain and drop dead boring day. will be having madrasah at 7.45 pm later and i'm so nervous coz i'm new! damn it laaa, i always hate this feeling. okay, be strong!

tomorrow there's skafest at gashaus and i really wanna go as Comic Strip will be performing! there's rumours saying that the tix was already sold out. fcuk ahh. so, maybe next other time. till here, take care readers.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

its a match between Singapore and Thailand. and yeahhh, what a dramatic match.

planned to go with nurul jannah and met the guys at kallang but sadly, she was not going due to her extra class. therefore, met firdaus and proceed to helmi's crib. so, theres helmi, hairil, shameer, zaini, ida, lala and me. bought some things at whitesands and then boarded the train to kallang mrt station. the station was damn crowded with humans wearing red, whites and blue. okay, that's cool! we then walked all the way to national stadium. my pants tore when we climbed the railings. damn it. bodoh kan kiter, but its okay coz its the shortcut.

so yah, we reached the stadium at around 0630 pm and group by group of humans crawling into the stadium which exactly look like ants from far away. at around 0740 pm, the stadium was already full except for some sits at the Thailand crowds. not crowds ahh, its group. hahahahaa. the atmosphere was so unexplainable. damn fjsaffdgfkisvfksyqwrydherwsfhsyusfsiffi. and i learnt one thing, 'going to the stadium really increase our sins due to the non-stop vulgarities'. and, it's proven true. every major and even minor mistake a thailand player makes, we will go like ' PRETT PRETT, PRETT PRETT PRETT, PRETT PRETT PRETT PRETT, B*TO!!!' and i'm loving it so do the crowd.

the most dramatic part ever is the kentalness of the Thailand players which protest about the decision made by the referee. the Singaporeans fans was all damn pissed off and everyone started throwing plastic bags and papers and whatever we can hold on too. after much talkings, the match presumed and Singapore won 2-1. thats the best thing ahhh.

51-ed home and straight to bed. saw alot of my them there. and yeahh, sorry to those who saw me but i didn't tegor coz i didn't see you guys except for the one who i handshake with. that's all, take care!