it was a tonning session with THE WATCHOUT MATES. i actually have two groups of close mates which is THE SCHOOLMATES and THE WATCHOUT MATES. well, basically both group consist of fun and hyper kids with different personality. i just love all of of them ahh. to whom who detest us? you're welcome to hate us, but do get ready for an everlasting words of pain.
so, it was already 2.45 pm. my parents was non-stop talking shits about my recent school results. why just parents this days gave negative remarks and negative hopes to their children instead of supporting them and hoping for the best on them? for me, i've really improved on my results, but they kept comparing their past with this modernize day. fcuk them, i get change and walked out of the house.
met up with helmi at pasir ris and bought stuffs for the tonning session. took 403 and off to pasir ris pit 53. rid, syaf, zaini, ida, shameer, debbie and firdaus was already waiting for our arrival. once we arrived and salam-ed each other, the bbq-ing started. we had fun in the afternoon with playing soccer, shifting tents, bbbq-ing and eating. at 12 midnight, all of us sat in a circle and tuned in to Ria 89.7 fm. we listened to the ghost stories and it really makes shiver to death. after the ghost stories shared by the radio Dj, we then shared our own experience of ghost stories. and we then continued talking about the history of THE WATCHOUT MATES. it was a saddening plus interesting stories.
at around 3 am, the couples all went into their tents leaving me, firdaus, helmi and also shameer(as debbie went home early) behind. we then scare ourselves by our extra ghost story that led all of us running and diving into this small tent. thanks to firdaus for making us feel totally scared. after the scary experience we shared stories among us that led to loud laughter. i bet, the makciks and humans at the next pit really get irritated by us. at around 4 am, all of us force ourselves to sleep while shameer and me was still awake. at around 5 pm then the both of us slept and i woke up at 6 am. all thanks to the noise that was contributed by ida's and syaf's phone and also to my 1.5 cm deep cut on my foot. i then force all of them to wake up but all of them was already dead in their sleep. at around 7 am, we then packed our stuffs and took 403 and go our seperate ways. and yeahh, you guys really made my day!
i was glad that my house gate was left unlocked, i then went in and get change. at around 9 am, i went to bed hoping to get at least 4 hrs of sleep before i meet THE SCHOOLMATES. so, i set the alarm at 1.30. instead of 1.30 pm, i set it to 1.30 am. damn it! due to that, i didn't meet them. im so sorry lads and ladettes. so, woke up at 6.45 pm and met zaini for leypak session from 8 pm till night. thats all. much love.
i effing miss you. on 15 march was the last day i hear from you. till now, i didn't receive any news from you. i hope you are fine. i also don't see you online and updating your blog. and now, i felt so worried. today is sunday, and school will re-open tomorrow. i hope, i will see you early in the morning. cause i fcuking miss you. and yes, gadissekolahadalahCINTA.