woke up at 0820 am. thanks to ainy or else im already sleeping till late! ainys father fetched us and sent us to chua chu kang as our function is located down there. it goes on pretty well only with 9 part-timers and two full-timers serving for 1500 pex. and its damn tiring day.
the girls knock out form work at 0600 pm and shameer, me and sherman need to clear all the tables and pelamin. and we are all proud of ourself as we thought we cant do it and i fell it takes 10 men to do it. well, best best.
met zaini after that and eat at khalifa and slacking session. went home at one oclock and im flat!
sorry for not blogging as blogger is on hiatus siaa! irritating, damn lag. and now finally i can blog. thanks blogger!
for pictures, visit http://www.mohdfaisal.multiply.com
cinta terhadap gadis itu~