it was an happening life and death experience yesterday. like so finally, all of the watchoutmates agreed to go to OCH. and i love the watchoutmates as whatever they plan, it will come true and will turn out to be happening. thanks ah guys!
so yeah, zaini, ida, shameer, firdaus met under my block at around 2.30 pm. we then 27-ed to tampines and met helmi, wan and syafiqah there. when we alight from the bus, ida needed to go to the toilet badly, therefore we walked to Tampines National Library for the sake of going to the toilet. and guess what! two ladies exit from the library while all of us was walking towards the library. and it was Sri Hanifayana (last girlfee) and her cousin. and yes, i was shocked and so was she! i've met her twice coincidentally and we kept shouting the same thing when we saw each other " OH MY GOD!!". we then chit chat for awhile and went seperate ways. and, shes gorgeous and im cute eh hani? hahaha. so then, we walked to tampines interchange and boarded bus 29 all the way to Changi.
we arrived exactly opposite the Old Japanese School. we didn't went in to the Old Japanese School as theres surveillance cameras everywhere at the entrance. we then walked towards one of the so called army building which is located near the OCH. we only walked halfway on the bridge and u-turned as theres surveillance cameras too. we only took some pictures at the protected area and walked all the way to OCH. ashraff and fadzil was waiting for our arrival. so yeahh, they are our tour guide for the day as non of the watchoutmates had been to OCH. and there, the journey begun.
"oi, lincah la masuk, korang dua lead kiter semua, kiter da tak sabar ni!" so yeah, we went into the creepy building walking two by twos most of the time. and we was pretty shocked as we was welcomed by a kain kafan which was covered with patches of blood hanging at the stairways and it look like gula gula (you know what i mean). but, that doesn't frightened us that much. we then climbed the stairs and explore the whole block. there's glass pieces shattered on the floor, spoil lifts, big wards and small wards, shattered mirrors and yeah graffiti on the walls. but, nothing happened at all. so we went down. and, we got to know that the building was part of the OCH building but its not the main building.
so, our tour guide brought us to the main building which was located down the hill. we then arrived directly infront of "Old Changi Hospital". once again, we explore all over the place. and yeahh at creepy dark areas, zaini and me did smell the kemenyan aroma. one of the incident was when all of us was going halfway down this dark stairway, and suddenly cold wind blew directly towards us and the smell of the kemenyan pierce thru my nose. and i turned around and asked zaini, "oi, kau ader bau ke tak siak?". he then inhaled the air again and he shouted, "da ah, jalan ahh, kiter pusing tempat lain dulu la". we walked back and then u-turn to the dark stairway again, but theres no eerie feeling or smell anymore. and we continued exploring while i took pictures of the interesting things there. and we slacked at one of the OCH basement as they request for smoking break. as we was talking, suddenly theres a loud noise coming from the room near us. we stand up and quickly walked away.
its 6.30 pm and we then planned to get out of OCH as its getting dark. we then walked out of the och passing by the Old Japanese School. we wanted to went into the Japanese School, but the Evtec security which protected the place arrived with a van. we ran and walked quickly towards the nearest bustop and we managed to escape from them. all of us then walked all the way to changi village to have our dinner there. and at around 8 pm we took 109 home. all of them went home while i slacked with daliana till 10 pm as its been months since we last met. thats all, much love guys!
so tomorrow is Monday. and im so geared up for school tomorrow. i've not seen you for nine days. are you avoiding me? or, am i a stalker. i wish that we were like months ago when we use to contact each other everyday. i miss those time whereby you always made my day. okay, i miss you. gadissekolahadalahcinta.